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CLI tool ala csvsql for SPARQL and TTL, n3, ... files - Hello World example...

EDIT: to make this question more specific. Please provide "hello world" example of executing sparql query over .ttl file locally on Linux using tool of your choice.csvsql allows to query .csv files...

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Generate a .DOT file from a RDF file

I have an RDF file, from which I would like to generate a .dot file. I'd like to create a number of rules to style the nodes and the links between these nodes (such as a specific kind of arrow to...

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How to Create a SPARQL Query to Retrieve Objects Linked to a Subject in RDF/XML?

I am working with RDF/XML data and need help creating a SPARQL query. My data is structured as follows:<dm:DifferenceModel><dm:forwardDifferences rdf:parseType="Collection"><cim:Location...

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Inconsistencies in OWL classes

I am new to semantic technologies. I have created some OWL classes and running pellet reasoner to check for inconsistencies in the classes. This is a snippet of what I have created so...

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changing cism: Stereotype rdf:resource when exporting RDFS File

I'm using schema composer Tool of EA with which I generate RDFS-Augmented files?The person that uses these Files needs following:cims:stereotype...

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How to move an RDF vocabulary and deprecate the old one?

Say I had a vocabulary hosted at the URI http://example.org/a/ but, for some unfortunate reasons, the URI can no longer be used, and instead it has to start with http://example.org/b/. The old URI is...

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How to properly connect to Fuseki Triple store

I currently work on a project that requires me to insert and query data to a graph hosted on a Apache Jena Fuseki triple store. I am however unable to connect to said store.So far i tried two different...

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Transaction using Jena API on Fuseki SPARQL Endpoint does not actually modify...

I want to use transactions to execute insert/update/delete queries on a SPARQL endpoint. The problem is that the changes are not actually saved to the endpoint.If I run this small example program:...

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How to correctly query the Pizza Ontology with SPARQL?

This request returns all pizzas with mushroom topping:PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>PREFIX owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#>PREFIX rdfs:...

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SPARQL return instances not linked to a set of classes - query returns all...

A small example ontology@prefix : <http://example.org/> .@prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> .@prefix owl: <http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#> .@prefix rdfs:...

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Get all properties from yago using SPARQL

I want to retrieve all properties from yago which is an RDFS knowledge base(.nt format).I tried withbellow querySELECT distinct ?x WHERE { ?y ?x ?z . }This gives me all the predicates.In the web they...

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How to create data property of type URL in protege

I would like to create a data property of type URL in protege, but I cannot see ant URL among the available data types. Is it possible to create a data property of type URL in protege?

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Parameterized SPARQL query that supports null parameter values

I would like to insert RDF triples with dynamically changing object values, some of which may be null. In case of a null value, the triple should not be inserted. For example, let's say I want to...

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SPARQL query on OWL data returns empty array

I have this ontology<owl:NamedIndividual rdf:about="&object_test;TablePick"><rdf:type...

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What are the key advantages and use cases of RDF* graphs compared to LPG?

I understand that RDF* solves the issue of properties and attributes and internal structure missing in RDF. But I wonder what are some use cases when RDF* are better than LPG? And what are the main...

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Need Django GUI IDE

I am new with Django. I need to quickly develop a sophisticated GUI for a Django project. My underlying database is resource description framework (RDF). Is there any Eclipse IDE available for quick...

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Removing duplicate triples from an RDF file

Should I remove duplicate triples from my RDF file?For example, I have these blocks within a file:<http://Group/row1> vocab:regione Campania ; vocab:nome Napoli ; vocab:codice NA...

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Extend OWL class and check for inconsistencies

I want to extend the Hand class defined in SOMA in my own Ontology defined with namespace http://example.org/test.owl<owl:Class...

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What is is the simplest way to setup a local rdf triple store with SPARQL...

For learning SPARQL it might be useful to have full control both over the query text and the data (RDF triples). While there are many public SPARQL endpoints available their data is typically read-only...

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SPARQL OPTIONAL with BIND not working in RDFlib

I tried the following query and found that it works in rdf4j and not in rdflib. After doing some brute force, I found out that the query does not behave as expected only when there is a BIND within the...

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